
South Africa is home to one of the world's strongest ocean currents - the Agulhas Current. Strong currents have been shown to modulate ocean surface waves in their vicinity; for example, steepening waves where they oppose a current, or changing their direction of propagation when encountering one obliquely. This information is important for safety of shipping. The product below is a one-way coupled wave forecast in which forecast surface waves (from the SAWS SWaSS forecast) interact with ocean surface currents from the Mercator global ocean forecast. The details of this system and the forecasts shown can be found in the paper Toward Operational Wave-Current Interactions over the Agulhas Current by Barnes and Rautenbach (2020). Forecasts should be used with caution as the surface current product remains unvalidated around our coastline. The product is intended as a general guide for the Agulhas Current's possible effects on waves.

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